How I Created an Impactful Website That Conveys the Right Message

Strategic Acumen for Crafting a Website That Captures Brand Essence

Across all industries, the marketing landscape today is very dynamic. Businesses must continuously evolve in order to meet fast-changing consumer needs. Because of this need for constant evolution, brands often outgrow or outpace their own messaging—the very thing that happened to RJ Coleman Consulting.

This case study delves into the challenges RJ Coleman Consulting faced and the solutions I implemented to address them. It also highlights the critical need for businesses to continually revamp and update their brand messaging to ensure that it consistently embodies the brand’s current identity and future vision.


A Static Website with Outdated Messaging

Renata Coleman, founder and CEO of RJ Coleman Consulting (RJCC), approached me for a website project. While she was happy with her website at the time it was created, she now felt like what she wanted to convey to her audience was no longer coming through. This is primarily because of how her business and value proposition have evolved as her business grew over the past decade. 

Seeing how crucial it was for her website to communicate the right message, she sought the services of a team she trusted—CJL Consulting Group.

“We chose CJL because we have worked with her before and have established a good rapport. We also know that she can deliver a strong, impactful product that effectively conveys our brand proposition and has a keen eye for visuals.”

Renata Coleman

RJCC  saw a remarkable period of growth the previous year. With more people visiting their website and looking at what they had to offer, they knew that it was imperative to update the site to reflect where the brand is today.

They wanted a site that captures their brand essence and communicates their key message to potential clients.


Laying a Solid Foundation for Continuous Growth

Helping clients define their brand positioning and messaging is right up my alley. At CJL, I prioritize laying a solid foundation for every client through tailored strategies that optimize how they show up on their website, social media channels, and other platforms.

I collaborate with website designers and copywriters to visualize and articulate the unique value the client brings to the market.

For RJ Coleman Consulting, I started with the brand strategy that focused on communicating the unique value the company brings to the market.

For a brand that is driven to succeed, my team developed a website design that is dynamic and scalable. We considered the brand’s evolution and aligned the redesign with both its short-term and long-term goals.

To incorporate the ideas of the client, we took them through our SIGHT framework and tailored our strategy to reflect their needs and goals. Doing so kept their core essence intact while still effectively conveying their new value proposition.


A Dynamic Site Developed Through a Well-Executed Strategy

Aside from being an expert brand strategist, I know how to execute strategies that position my clients as industry leaders. Seamless collaboration with the client and our team of specialists ensured everything went well from planning to website development to site launch.

Once the client was satisfied with the brand’s blueprint, the next step was to create website mockups, which we meticulously went through with the client to get their feedback. Iterations were made—a few tweaks in the design and content—until the website effectively conveyed the brand image and message.

The final website now has a streamlined look that creates visual interest. New content reflects the brand’s proposition and communicates its unique value to visitors.

The engaging design is expected to reduce bounce rates, enhance engagement, and improve conversions.

Leverage the Immense Value of Strategic Acumen

The website redesign project for RJ Coleman Consulting demonstrates our efficiency and prowess in helping create dynamic websites. More importantly, it highlights our strategic acumen in crafting impactful brand messaging and positioning brands in competitive markets.

Our adept skills with business models and knowledge of go-to-market strategies enable us to develop solutions that work.

We love working with brands that are driven to growth and success. To amplify your presence and strengthen your message, we collaborate with our clients and work on solutions tailored to their unique needs. 

We’ll help you create a brand image that truly reflects what you stand for and a brand message that resonates with your audience.

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