This Message is For You

Message from the Founder


Have some feedback you’d like to share? Send me an email [email protected].

Sight Seeing is a newsletter for diverse founders. The visionaries who change the world with businesses that choose not to accept the status quo.

Our Strategy Hub

Level up your brand and marketing game with our resources:

  • Ideal Client Profile: dig deep and get to know your ideal client like you know your best friend.  Includes exercises to uncover deeper insights that will make your messages more impactful.

  • Simple Marketing Plan: make your marketing plan simple with this resource.  This easy-to-use template will help you build and implement your plan.

  • Communicate Your Unique Value Guide: You'll discover the 1 impactful statement that you need to start attracting your perfect clients with a message that truly reflects your unique value.

How I Help

When you’re ready, there’s a few ways I can help you:

  • Marketing Strategy: done for you strategy to define your brand, identify business growth opportunities and the best channels to market your business.  Perfect for solo founders to growing teams - ready to be positioned for profit.

  • Breakthrough Strategy Session: a 90-minute session with me to help you overcome any brand or marketing challenge stopping you from your next goal. You’ll receive clarity, call recording and action plan with your next steps.

Discover how we can elevate your success.  Visit our website.


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